Stages of complete rehabilitation process

Rehabilitation is defined as “a set of interventions designed to develop a functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health ailments in interaction with their environment.” The most important thing to note down about the rehabilitation process is that it depends on the type of strain you are going through. For example, if you are going through mental strain, your rehabilitation process will be different. But if you are going through physical strain, then there are 4 phases of the rehabilitation process. 

4 phases of the Rehabilitation procedure

1. Rest and Protection

After the injury, the first thing that appears as a reflex is protection from further injury and rest. It is important to alleviate the injured body part and to do so. It is advised to take proper medications. This phase likely encompasses appropriate rest and may include using ice or cold packs, with some protective case, sling, or tape to safeguard the injury. Pain management with analgesic medication and/or anti-inflammatories may also be considered.

2. Recover your motion

Any specific injury can initially pull you off from your motion. In that case, it is recommended to develop your pace to walk again. Some exercises, such as stretching for a limited duration, muscle-related exercises, and joint exercises, can help this phase.

3. Regaining your strength

In the second phase, the main concentration is on boosting your strength and immunity so that the injured body part can heal faster. In sports injuries, prevention from participation in training and game time for an extended period is important. Exercises like stationary cycling, pool exercises, or gentle exercise may be recommended.

4. Recoup your function

The last step in rehabilitation is recovering sport-specific function and return to play. This injury rehabilitation phase can include restoring coordination and balance, improving speed, agility, and sport-specific skills, progressing from simple to complex. As mentioned earlier, the rehabilitation procedure can be categorized based on physical or mental injuries, and they can be of many varieties. Few of them are as follows-

Rehabilitation process in sports injuries

This rehab process’s main aim is to prevent the area from further injury, keep the sportsperson in movement, and impede his/her energy from gearing down. The procedure had four stages, and they are as follows:

  1. Acute Phase: Promote tissue healing and avoid reconditioning - Therapists usually follow the principle of protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation (P.R.I.C.E) to avoid further tissue damage, reduce the associated pain and try to promote the healing process.

  2. Reconditioning Phase: This phase is much needed to maintain overall muscle strength, flexibility, and regaining power. Due to high-level sports’ physical demands, this phase plays a significant role in a successful sports injury rehabilitation program.

  3. Return to sport: In this particular phase, the decision is taken by clinicians and the therapists, and only they can allow the person to go on the field after his full recovery.

  4. Prevention of Re-injury: A previous injury is the highest seer of the risk of re-injury, and therefore, it is extremely crucial to monitor the athlete even when he has gone back to full participation.

Rehabilitation process in case of physical injuries

Few physical injuries that are mentioned are sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, and so on.

In sprained ankles, the main focus is on decreased swelling, pain, and initial inflammatory response and protection of the joint so that the secondary inflammatory response does not develop from excessive training. On the other hand, the rehab process of a dislocated shoulder starts with immediate treatment, range of movement/ stretching, conditioning, total body fitness, and training.

Process of Disaster rehabilitation

Disaster Rehabilitation has four stages, namely- Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Mitigation involves typing all the documents related to the victim’s loss and their insurance policies and then looking for their injuries. Preparedness involves planning, training, and educational activities for events that cannot be mitigated. The response phase occurs immediately after a disaster. Business and other operations are normally hampered during the response phase. Personal safety and well-being in an emergency and the duration of the response phase depend on preparedness. During the recovery period, restoration efforts are carried out simultaneously with regular operations and activities. 

This stage focuses on:

  • Reducing and preventing stress-related illnesses and 

  • Excessive financial burdens

  • Rebuilding damaged structures based on the knowledge derived from the preceding disaster

  • Reducing vulnerability to future disasters

  •  Reducing vulnerability to future disasters

Stages of the counseling process in Rehab

The important thing that should be pinned in mind about the counseling process is that it’s a very long and time taking process, and the councilors select many sub-methods or producers as per their client’s status. Some of the methods are as follows- 

  • Twelve Steps Program 

  • SMART Recovery

  • Psychoanalysis 

  • Relapse prevention, and many more.

A few more methods can be used, but that depends on the therapist and their client. The real motive behind all these methods is to build and maintain motivation, coping with urges, managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, surviving a balanced life.


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