
detox detoxification a ka aka therapy center rehab rehabilitation

Detoxification is the process of eliminating substances within the body in a controlled environment, so as to ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Detoxification is the first step in treating substance abuse, and is usually part of residential treatment. Patients under the influence or at risk for withdrawal symptoms must undergo detoxification at a facility prior to being fully integrated into any long-term treatment programs. They are targeted towards individuals who are struggling with substance addiction, who are physically or psychologically dependent on the drug and its effects, as these individuals will undergo a torrent of mental and physical health symptoms that range from uncomfortable to life threatening once the drug is no longer available to them.

In our detox program, medications are administered as necessary to the patient so as to best manage their physical withdrawal symptoms and to prevent any effects that could prove to be life-threatening, as often occurs in individuals detoxing from benzos and alcohol. Medical detoxification is a specific kind of detox that allows the patient to deal with their physical symptoms by administering long-acting small doses of medication that mimic their drug of abuse – it varies depending type of drug abused, duration of the substance abuse, amount of daily drug consumption, and biological differences (such as weight, gender, age, psychological well being). It is a systematic process targeted to detach the patient from the psychoactive substances under physician supervision. These will generally occur in a peaceful environment, such as an inpatient or residential setting, that will best allow for both patient comfort and healthcare monitoring. However, it is crucial to note that medical detoxification is only the first step in the process of treating substance abuse and addiction – upon the completion of medical detoxification, the patient will enter a treatment program targeted towards the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction, which will set them upon the path to rehabilitation.