


Vicodin, a strong opiate painkiller and moderate non-steroid pain reliever, is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. It blocks the pain receptors and leads to a sense of euphoria, making it highly addictive. A prescription drug, it is often prescribed by doctors whose patients then build a tolerance that exceeds their prescribed dosage, leading them to illegal procurement. Methods of Vicodin abuse include ingesting more pills than prescribed, snorting, or intravenously injecting. 




Vicodin addiction has severe effects that include itching, swelling, weakness, dizziness, vomiting/upset stomach, liver failure, decreased heart rate, and decreased respiration. Common warning signs of addiction is slow heartbeat, lightheadedness, confusion, headache, vomiting, and blurred vision. Withdrawal symptoms include muscle and bone pain, difficulty sleeping, restlessness and uncontrollable leg movements, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, feeling cold.




It is crucial that patients go for Vicodin detox, as it is incredibly painful. We provide tailored recovery programs that include three stages: integrated detox program, the residential program, and the intensive outpatient program. At first, the patient undergoes 24-hour supervision with psychiatric and nursing support, as well as group and individual counseling and therapy and gender-specific recovery programs. This prepares patients for the next stage, generally a 30-day process, with 24/7 guidance and support from the clinical team, as well as nutritious diet plans with meals prepared by a private chef and recreational activities on weekends under staff supervision. When ready, the patients then transition to an outpatient program in which 20-30 sessions over 30-45 days promote mindful relapse prevention, with evening meetings and group as well as individual assignments. Transportation and housing are provided.